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Am I Eligible for A Follicular Micrograft?

Am I Eligible for A Follicular Micrograft?

Hair is not just for decoration. Our hair has an evolutionary purpose. 

We needed hair hundreds of years ago to protect our heads from the sun and keep our heads warm at night. Researchers believe that ancient people even styled their hair, which suggests it was a beauty standard to attract the opposite sex.

While we don’t necessarily need hair to survive today, most people prefer to have it. But as you’ve gotten older, you’ve probably experienced changes like thinning, receding hairlines, and hair shedding. Of men, 25% experience male pattern baldness by just 21 years old.

Hair loss can happen at any age but know we can do something to improve it. Follicular micrografts are a minimally invasive way to renew your hairline so you look nearly a decade younger. 

Hair Doc, located in Marina/Cow Hollow, San Francisco, is here to provide you with comprehensive information about follicular unit micrografts, including whether you’re eligible. 

Mimicking the natural pattern of your hair

You probably never heard of follicular micrografts until you started losing your hair. Did you know your hair naturally grows in clusters of 1-4 hairs? Follicular micrografts imitate this pattern for the most natural-looking results. 

We are proud to announce the newest doctor to our office, Aaron Chen, MD, a skilled surgeon performing micrografts with precision and expertise. Here’s how it’s done.

First, local anesthesia is administered. Next, the procedure begins using a microblade to remove a strip from your scalp. Next, he prepares the donor follicles in micrografts (1-2 hairs) or minigrafts (3-4 hairs) under a stereoscope to achieve the highest success rate.

Then, the grafts are implanted in your hair in places you’ve experienced balding, like the crown and frontal hairline. He uses larger grafts toward the back of your hair and fades smaller grafts toward the front. Finally, he seals the incision on your hair in places you’ve experienced balding, like the crown and frontal hairline, using larger grafts toward the back of your hair and fading smaller grafts towards the front. Finally, he seals the incision up with sutures or staples before sending you off to the recovery room.

Looking at the results

One follicular micrograft surgery can provide 4,000-6,000 grafts in a single surgery. Technological advancements have made hair transplants increasingly successful, with up to a 100% success rate. 

While follicular micrografts provide impressive results, it’s important to understand the results are not immediate. Your hair has a complex cycle, and during the 2-6 weeks after your procedure, you might find that hair is falling out. This may seem counterintuitive, but it is completely normal. 

Your body will continue to grow new hair during the next 6-8 months, with full results around the one-year mark. Hair micrografts provide permanent results, but to maintain your hairline best, medication may be suggested to prevent future hair loss.

Am I a candidate?

Hair transplants were first introduced in the 1950s but have undergone many advancements to get the natural results you see today. More than 650,000 people undergo hair transplantation every year. 

Are you considering treatment? You might be a good candidate if you:

Are over 25

Hair transplants provide the best results in patients over the age of 25. While many younger patients may experience hair loss sooner, medication is suggested before undergoing surgery. People should opt for hair transplants after they’ve experienced hair loss for five years and balding has stabilized.

Have areas of good hair growth

You must have an area with good hair growth so we can extract a donor. People with dense hair growth are often the best candidates because more hair is accessible. If you have thin hair on the back and the sides of your head, there may not be enough hair to nurture.

Are in good health

You might be a good candidate for hair transplant surgery if you are in good overall health. Surgery puts stress on your body, and you must be in good health to properly recover and get the best results.Can take 2-3 weeks off work

Follicular micrograft surgery requires 2-3 weeks of downtime, so you must be able to take off work during your recovery. If you can’t get off work that long, you may want to consider a follicular unit extraction that requires five days of downtime.

The best way to know if you’re a candidate for follicular micrograft is by scheduling an appointment with Dr. Chen or Dr. Panagotacos. Call 415-907-7354 or booking online.


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