Emotional Benefits of Hair Loss Treatment

You noticed bald patches in your dad’s and uncle’s hairline when you were a kid. At the time, you might have thought hair loss would never happen to you.
The years come and go fast; before you know it, you see bald patches on your head. Hair loss may be hard to endure, but it's incredibly common — 85% of men experience noticeable hair loss by age 50.
Hair Doc is the premiere hair restoration center to help Cow Hollow, San Francisco, patients revive their hairline for a more desirable appearance. You might know hair restoration brings physical benefits, but the emotional benefits are life-changing. Read on the discover what to expect.
Upgrade your self-confidence
As if getting wrinkly skin and gaining weight aren’t enough, hair loss is another aging concern we have to face. People with hair loss often feel old, less virile, and unattractive — but you don’t have to.
Every year 650,000 patients undergo hair transplants for a natural but younger-looking appearance. Hair transplants are a safe and predictable surgery that Peter Panagotacos, MD, performs in two ways — follicular unit extraction (FUE) and follicular unit transplant (FUT).
Both methods involve extracting healthy hair grafts and placing them on bald patches balding to stimulate hair regrowth. Patients who underwent hair transplants in a clinically controlled study reported increased self-esteem levels while improving the perception of their appearance.
Look and feel your best
Hair is said to be your “crowning glory.” It’s no secret that a full head of healthy hair can make you feel powerful.
Thinning hair affects not only your appearance but your mood, too. Negative feelings can affect your family, career, and social life.
Dr. Panagotacos has changed the lives of men and women through FUE and FUTs. Both methods provide real results — fuller, thicker hair for a younger demeanor — but they have a couple of key differences that set them apart.
FUE involves taking many small, individual grafts (1-3 strands of hair) from places with abundant hair growth is abundant, and transplanting them on balding areas. Healthy hair nourishes the dormant follicles, and over the next few months, you experience new hair growth. FUE can use up to 2,000 grafts in one procedure and provides minimal scarring naturally hidden by your hairline.
FUT involves removing a small strip of hair, generally 1- to 1.5-centimeters wide. Dr. Panagotacos extracts individual follicles from the strip and places them on areas you’re seeking hair growth. FUT can extract up to 4,000 hair grafts in one session but involves a larger incision, so patients who wear their hair short may not find it suitable.
Whether you choose an FUE or FUT, you’ll love how you look. Your friends and co-workers will notice you look younger and happier, without the trace of looking like you had “work” done.
Reduce your stress and anxiety
Life can get stressful. When stressed, you’re more likely to experience more negative mental health problems, including anxiety, depression, and sleep problems. Hair loss causes stress, and stress causes hair loss which can lead to a downward spiral.
A study led by Dr. Ya-Chieh HSU at Harvard University confirms that stress is directly linked to hair loss. His mouse-model findings proved that the stress hormone, cortisol, halts hair growth by hurting stem cell follicles. When the researchers removed the adrenal gland from mice, they experienced rapid hair growth and hair follicle regeneration that didn’t slow down as the mouse got older.
Making a step toward bettering your appearance can help subside stress and anxiety while promoting a positive self-image. Aside from hair transplants, we offer medication, laser cap, and platelet-rich plasma to help you find the hair restoration solution that works for you.
Get a more youthful you today. Call 415-907-7354 to schedule your consultation or book online.
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