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How Your Genetics Influence Hair Loss

How Your Genetics Influence Hair Loss

Family is responsible for raising you. You probably spend many holidays with your family and notice resemblances among members. Your family tree is responsible for your DNA — including inherited hair loss genes.

Hair loss due to genetics can’t be reversed, but Hair Doc located in Cow Hollow, San Francisco, can help optimize your hairline through treatments like hair transplants, medications, or a laser cap.

Read on to discover how your genetics influence hair loss and what you can do about it. 

The ‘balding gene’ not just for men

Many people think balding only occurs in men. While men experience balding to a greater degree, women are prone to it, too — 80% of men and nearly 50% of women deal with hair loss. 

Hair loss caused by genetics is attributed to a predictable pattern referred to as male pattern baldness (MPB) or female pattern baldness (FPB).

Male pattern baldness.

Male pattern baldness, also known as androgenic alopecia, is responsible for 95% of hair loss in men. Research suggests that MFB has a strong link with the male sex hormones, androgens.  

Each hair on your head has a growth cycle. With male pattern baldness, the growth cycle shortens, and the follicles weaken, which results in shorter and finer strands of hair. 

Over time, the growth cycle ends, and the hair no longer sprouts. Men usually start to notice hair loss that takes place in the shape of an “M,” also called a widow’s peak.

Female pattern baldness

Female pattern baldness is hair loss that is determined at birth. Genes from your parents may create smaller hair follicles and thinner strands. 

It is very similar to MPB, but hair loss forms in a different shape. FPB occurs all over your head, starts at the part line, and sometimes occurs all over the head.

DNA from both parents is responsible

Have you heard that a man’s balding gene is passed down from his mother? While this saying has some truth, you inherit the gene from your mother and your father.

During fertilization, the egg and sperm produce a fertilized egg called a zygote. Each zygote has 23 pairs of chromosomes that are equally attributed to your mother and father. Females have “XX” chromosomes while men have “XY”.

Research suggests that the most dominant hair loss gene is located on your X chromosome, which comes from your mother. However, this is just one contributor, and many other genetic factors that predispose hair loss aren’t sex-linked at all.

While hair loss can be worrisome, it’s usually not hazardous to your health. But that doesn’t stop hundreds of men and women from coming to us for hair restoration treatments to help their self-esteem.

Restore your hairline and look younger

Thinning hair and bald patches can make you look older than you feel. Are you ready to restore your hairline for a younger appearance? 

We have a variety of hair restoration solutions for every type of hair loss and income level. They include:

Follicular unit extraction 

Follicular unit extraction (FUE) is a minimally invasive surgery that is done on an outpatient basis. Peter Panagotacos, MD, removes small grafts of hair follicles in a circular shape where you have healthy hair growth. He places them on balding areas to help nourish weakened follicles, which results in new hair growth in 3-4 months.

FUE is a safe option that requires 2-3 days of downtime. Dr. Panagotacos is known for his expert technique, which results in no noticeable scarring and minimal discomfort.


Not everyone is willing to undergo surgery for hair restoration. That’s why medications are an easy way to experience great results for those who don’t want incisions.

Dr. Panagotacos might prescribe you Minoxidil, also known as Rogaine™. This product is applied topically to your scalp twice daily in places you have hair loss. Most patients experience thicker, fuller hair in approximately four months.  

Another medication Dr. Panagotacos suggests for his patients is Propecia®. Taken daily by mouth, Propecia works by decreasing the number of natural body hormones (DHT) in your body, which is responsible for hair loss. Patients report an increase in hair growth and a decrease in hair loss in about three months.

Laser cap

Are you looking for a natural solution to hair loss? If yes, the laser cap is a great option for you. 

A laser cap looks like a baseball hat and contains low-level laser light that stimulates your hair follicles while you wear it. This FDA-approved treatment can be worn in the comfort of your home while you read, work or watch TV. Most patients love the ease of the laser cap and report noticeable results in 2-4 months.

Stop looking at your hairline only to be disappointed with bald spots. Contact us today by calling 415-907-7355 or book online to get a full head of hair.

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