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Learn the Advantages of a Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) Hair Transplant

Learn the Advantages of a Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) Hair Transplant

Once you start losing your hair, it’s hard to shake it off. Not only does losing your hair remind you that you’re getting older, but it also plummets your self-esteem.

If you’re terrified of being bald, you might have considered getting a hair transplant. There are two main options to consider — an follicular unit transplant (FUT) or follicular unit extraction (FUE).

While the FUT has been around for longer, and FUE has many advantages which could make it a better option for you. Hair Doc, located in San Francisco California, is here to tell you everything you need to know about a FUE and why you might consider it.

What it is

If you’re losing your hair, you’ve probably noticed that you're only losing it from certain spots. That’s because 95% of hair loss in men is due to androgenic alopecia and follows a similar pattern:

While hair loss is common, many men would do anything they could to get it back. Two procedures are suggested for people who want the best results — a follicular unit transplant (FUT) or a follicular unit extraction (FUE).

A FUT involves removing a long strip from your scalp, usually from the back or sides of your head. Follicular units made from this sample are transferred and grafted onto areas you’ve experienced hair loss to help the regrow hair follicles.

An FUE is a more advanced procedure that takes small follicular units directly from the scalp and replaces them where hair is thinning. An FUE uses ARTAS® iX, a precise robotic hair transplantation system, that allows successful graft rates to be as high as 100%. Over the next months following your procedure, the hair is regrown for a natural appearance with no scarring.


The FUE offers a promising outcome for some men who were previously not good candidates for the FUT. In 3-4 months, you could have a full head of hair and regain a more youthful appearance. The FUE uses state-of-the-art technology that allows it to be a more specialized and precise procedure that comes with many advantages.

Natural-looking results

FUE offers extremely natural-looking results for new hair growth. Some patients who’ve had a FUT experience a change in hair growth direction for the new follicles, allowing for a noticeable differentiation. 

No vertical scar

One of the biggest drawbacks to a FUT is the long, noticeable scar where the donor area was taken. This posed a problem for many men who don’t have much hair at the back of their heads and weren’t able to properly conceal the scar. 

With an FUE, the units extracted are random so the donor area is not noticeably affected. The units extracted are done in smaller, circular samples making them easier to be hidden within your hairline. This makes it a great option for men who wear their hair short and don’t want to worry about concealing a scar.

No scalpel or stitches 

An FUE is considered a minimally invasive procedure and doesn’t involve scalpel or stitches. An FUE is generally done as an outpatient procedure that only takes about eight hours.

Shorter recovery time 

While a FUT takes nearly two weeks of recovery time, an FUE only takes 2-3 days of downtime. This makes it a great option for people who can’t afford to be out of work for long periods.

No pain

A cosmetic treatment rarely involves no pain. Luckily with the FUE, you don’t have to worry about pain during or after the treatment. 

Peter Panagotacos, MD administers local anesthesia so you’re comfortable during your procedure. Most patients remember counting backward and then waking up once the FUE is completed.

Patients who undergo the FUT experience higher levels of pain and in rare cases, drastic swelling may require pain medication.

High graft quality

Dr. Panagotacos uses the cutting edge ARTAS iX technology that allows for real-time 3D analysis and calculation of every hair follicle on your head. Selecting the healthiest and most robust hair follicles, the FUE allows for the highest level of graft quality and the best results.

The bottom line

Losing your hair is a tough obstacle to face. You don’t have to keep staring at your bald spots, now you can do something to regrow your hair with natural results.

While a FUT is a more traditional option, the FUE is becoming more popular because of its high graft quality, minimal downtime, and no visible scarring. An FUE procedure has changed the life of many men and women, bringing them a fuller head of hair in just a few months.

Find out if an FUE is right for you — call 415-907-7355 to schedule your consultation or book online.

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