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When to Consider Hair Restoration

When to Consider Hair Restoration

Your face is the first feature people notice about you. Located nearby is your hair, which frames your face and becomes a strong part of your identity. But as you get older, balding and thinning hair can become quite a concern.

Are you bothered by bald patches and a receding hairline? You might want to consider hair restoration. At Hair Doc, located in San Francisco, California, we provide a variety of services to help you get thicker, fuller hair again.

Why hair loss happens

Everyone has some degree of daily hair loss. The average person loses 50-100 strands of hair a day. However, if you’re noticing bald patches or thinning hair, this may be male pattern baldness.

Male pattern baldness is often linked to the male sex hormones, also known as androgens. Androgens are responsible for male sexual and reproductive function as well as hair growth. 

Every strand of hair has a growth cycle. Male pattern baldness means the growth cycle becomes fragile and the hair follicle produces shorter and thinner pieces of hair. Eventually, the cycle ends and no new hairs sprout. 

Other causes of hair loss include:

Hair loss is extremely common among men — up to 66% of men experience some degree of hair loss by the age of 35. Women experience hair loss too, with up to 40% of them noticing visible hair loss by 40.

How hair restoration works

Hair restoration isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach. Peter Panagotacos, MD provides a variety of hair loss treatments so you can decide on the one that works for you. Depending on the degree of hair loss and your preferences, hair restoration treatment might include surgery, medication or non-invasive treatment.

Some techniques include:

The best way to know which treatment is right for you is by scheduling a consultation with Dr. Panagotacos.

When to consider it

Some people aren’t bothered by hair loss. Others wish to improve their hairline to boost their confidence with a younger appearance. Hair restoration is a completely personal choice, but here are some signs of when you might consider it.

While wigs and hairpieces offer a solution for some people, these usually look and feel fake. Hair restoration is the best approach for the natural appearance of thick, gorgeous hair.

The earlier, the better

Life is busy, so it’s easy to put off hair restoration. However, aside from hair transplants, the sooner you receive treatment, the better the results will be.

When you have more hair to work with, it allows your results to be more natural. Some of our treatments stimulate already weakened hair follicles and slow down future hair loss.

Are you interested in having a hair transplant? If you’re over the age of 40 and have experienced a good deal of hair loss, it may be a good option for you now.

Don’t wait any longer and explore the options of hair restoration today. Call 415-907-7355 to schedule your hair restoration consultation or book online.

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